Now a days computers have become part of every industry. One can not deny their reality in recent times. Moreover, computers know a specific kind of language which is called as machine language. These languages operate in bit forms. WHAT ARE THE COMMON OPERATING SYSTEMS? are present in the market which can help to coordinate with computers. Moreover, one can make computers do  certain kind things according to ones own choice. For this purpose different programming languages are present in the market. So far scientists had categorized programming languages into five categories. In another classification they are categorized into high level and low level languages too.

According to Brain K. Williams First generation language started in 1945. They include machine learning language. Now they convert he code into bit form too. Now machine language was very difficult to red and write as it provides a long form to write the code. Second generation started in mid 1950. They include assembly language. This also a low level language. They also convert the code into bit form too. It is very important to note that assembler actually converts the assembly into machine language. It is also hard to write. Third generation language started in mid 1950. They include C++,C, and COBOL. It is very important to note that there are hundreds of programming languages however only some of the important are present in it.  It is very important to know the concept of compiler and interpreter. Compiler converts the entire program into the machine language. Whereas interpreter converts each statement into machine language. Fourth generation languages started in 1970. They are also called as problem oriented languages. They include SQL, FOCUS and many more. Now the point is that they had solved some of the important problems in the history. Fifth generation language languages started in 1980. They include natural languages, Now one can not ignore the artificial intelligence and Introduction to Deep Learning in this world. Everything is going towards it. Now they are categorized into tow types. They include human and machine languages. It can be seen that one does not need to know all the languages in this world. Infect computers can covert hem into others. This is the example of natural languages.

In a nutshell, It can be said that computer know a specific type of languages. They are called as machine languages. Different programing languages convert them into machine language.


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