One can not ignore the marketing of the product or service in any field of the area. As a product needs to come in the front of the people who want to buy it. One can learn about the blogging here. Similar thing is true in the case of it services too s people should know that a specific product or website is available in the market for specific problem. For this purpose different techniques of marketing are present in the market. The major ones includes advertising, direct email, exhibitions, sales promotions and branding.

According to Fraidoon Mazda Advertising it is very important to identify the target audience. As one should know about the people for whom he is developing the website or a product. After that one should select the advertising media which include journals, newspapers, posters, TV, Radio, and cinemas. One can select the social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn too for this purpose. One can also select the message for the purpose of advertisement. After that one needs to produce a quality content for a specific media. The most important thing lies in the position of the advertisement. One can select its position in news paper and one needs to select time and region of the advertisement too. In case of applications and websites one can also use the same parameters for the target audience. Direct email is another method of marketing communication. One should craft a specific email that the reader can get the gist of it in one glance. The drawback of it lies in that it is covering  limited number of people in one go. Exhibitions are another type of marketing communication. It is very important for the companies who are making the physical products. It also provides a two way communication for sale and buyer. It also enhances the name of the company. Sales Promotion is another type of marketing communication and in this type one needs to provide discount and gifts to different people and companies. another type of marketing lies in Branding of a product or service. In this type of communication they provide a product or service a specific name. It can include family branding, intermediary branding, generic branding and other types. 

In a nutshell, it can be said that advertisement of a service or a product is very important in life. Different types of advertisement techniques are present in the market. However, the most important ones include branding, exhibitions and advertisement. One can easily enhance advertisng in any of the field in life.


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