One can not ignore the computer world in real life. Now things are moving towards automation. According to Williams artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans. One can not live without having a technology's panorama in real world. One can look a lot of examples of this thing in real life. Deep learning is also a subject in this regard. The internet is every where. And from search engine to software in the computer artificial intelligence is present everywhere. 


While explaining, it can be said that artificial intelligence is making the devices more smarter. There are different areas of artificial intelligence. They include expert systems, natural processing, intelligence agents, pattern recognition, virtual reality and simulation devices, robotics, fuzzy logic and neural networks. In this article the writer will discuss all these systems in brief. Expert Systems are an interactive computer program used to solve problems that would otherwise require the assistance of a human specialist. As they are the computer programs so one can categorize all the soft wares in this category. Natural Language Processing is a dimension of artificial intelligence which studies the ways for computers to recognize and understand human language. One can see its application in YouTube and Google where one does not need to learn all the languages and Google translator actually helps them in this task. One dimension is Intelligent Agents, it is a form of software with built in intelligence that monitors work patterns asks questions and performs work tasks on your behalf. The example of it lies in shopzilla. Pattern recognition is another domain of artificial intelligence. it is a computer based identification of objects and images by their shape, color, texture, temperature and other attributes. The example of it lies in facial recognition system. Virtual Reality And Simulation Devices are another domain of artificial intelligence. It is artificial hardware and software created environment that seams real but can be manipulated in real time. Virtual reality headset is the application of it. One can not ignore Robotics in the world of artificial intelligence. it is a study of machines that can perform actions normally performed by living beings. Fuzzy Logic is method of dealing with imprecise data and uncertainty with problems that have many answers rather than one. Digital artificial intelligent devices like digital cooking is the example of it. Neural Networks simulate the connections between nerve cells in the human body. The diagnostic system of heart attacks is the best example in this regard. One cannot not ignore the Replication crisis  in this whole scenario. chatgpt is another example in this regard.

In a nutshell, it can be said that artificial intelligence is present every where. They are helping human in every field of life. Although it is a new filed but it is flourishing by leaps and bounds. Some of the important ones include robotics and natural language processing. 


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