Mobile devices have become an important part of everyday life. One can not ignore their importance in long run. One can find information about internet here. Now the point lies in that what kind of services mobiles are providing to the users.? Normally  lay man thinks that mobiles are there in markets for voice traffic. It was true in early times. Now they are providing voice, live streaming and internet services on a single deice and multiple sessions. According to Theodore S Rappaport one needs to go to into the depth of second and third generation in this regard.

While explaining, it can be said that in the early times mobile devices are there for the voice traffic. Moreover they were using the old technique of circuit switching. They had  predefined path and traffic always move from there. There was a technique which was called as frequency division multiplexing for this purpose. Whereas in second generation they had used time division multiplexing and code division multiplexing. Moreover, second generation was also using the method of packet switching. In this techniques different set of protocols are present and one can use them according to ones needs. Second generation had a very important feature which was called as short messaging service (SMS). People used this technique in a rapid speed in Europe. With the passage of time things moved to 2.5 generation and the major difference lied in that it was also providing a service which was called as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). 2.5 generation had three major options which included High Speed Circuit Switched Data, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), and Enhanced Data Rates for GSM (EDGE). One can see these options in ones mobile when one switches on the internet service of ones mobile. The major technique of 2.5 generation included Time Division Multiple Access. With the passage of time things moved further towards third generation and it was providing more services than 2.5 generation. The major method was packet switching and it was providing live music, conduct interactive web sessions and simultaneous voice and data access with multiple parties at the same time using single hand set.

In a nutshell, it can be said that mobile connections have to pass through different generations in long run. They included first , second and third generation. In first generation they had used the technique of circuit switching and after some time they had come to packet switching. Now things re moving towards fourth and fifth generations too.


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