One can not ignore the use of computers in real world. They are present every where. It has different parts. Now memory has become the most important one in this regard. In early computers, scientists need to place big memory modules in them. As they did not have enough technology to compact them. One can not live without having a technology's panorama in real world. However now a days a computer can have very small chips and they are present inside the CPU. According to Williams there are four major memory types in the computer. They include RAM, ROM, CMOS, and FLAH. 


While explaining, it can be said that memory is the most important part of the computers. As one needs to store data in them. RAM is the most important one in this regard. It is also called as RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. They temporarily store program instructions and data. They loose content when power goes off or turned off. There are three main types of RAMs. In the case of dynamic ram CPU needs to refresh it constantly after some time. In the case of SRAM it is faster than DRAM. It retains data without having to be refreshed. In the case of magneto resistive ram, it stores data using magnetic changes. It is more faster than the previous ones. MRAM also stores data when power is off. Cache memory is also present in the computers. Computers need cache to allow faster delivery and receipt of data. ROM is also called as read only memory. They contain fixed startup instructions. One actually needs special equipment to remove its instructions. FLASH MEMORY is another type of memory in the computers. The major specialty of it lies in that one can erase and reprogram them again. They are also present in MPS3, cellphones and printers. One can see that the time and date of the computer remains the same after every reboot. Now the question lies in that how is it possible to do that?  The answer of it lies in CMOS memory. It is complimentary metal oxide semiconductor. They have a battery in them. They do not loose data after the reboot. So they can store time, date and calendar information in them. 

In a nutshell, it can be said that a computer can have several types of memories in it. The four major memories include RAM, ROM, CMOS and FLASH MEMORY. The most important one includes the ram which actually determines the processing speed of the computer.


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