One needs to use management in every day life. It can be said that management is  part of every one's life. Similarly one can not survive without management in life. A person who can perform certain tasks easily is a good manager. One needs to know certain skills for management. A manager needs to perform certain tasks in everyday life. It can be said that the duty of a manager lies in these tasks. They include planning, organizing, integrating, monitoring. Everyone is aware of planning as they use use them in their lives. However, organizations use them in comprehensive way.


While explaining, it can be said that a manager has certain responsibilities in life. The first and the most important one includes planning phase. Planning  phase in which an organization sets its long term goals. It means that an organization wants to achieve something in one year or so. In planning phase they also decide their objectives, policies and implementation steps. It can be said that this is the most important part of the task. An organization sets the tasks into workable packages in organizing phase. Now an organization can have many departments in it. They are working in different domains too. Now in organizing phase they assign different tasks to these department so that everyone can work individually. In a very simple words, they break a big task into small workable tasks in this phase. In integration phase they combine all the scattered tasks into one. In other words it can be said that it is the opposite of organizing phase in management tasks. In measurement phase they determine what was accomplished and how successful this was in meeting the original plan? So in this phase an organization actually checks if they are working in the right direction. Are they working in wrong direction? How can they improve their performance? For this task they can also hire external auditors to check them. It is  self accountability in the management tasks. Most of the organizations work a lot in planning and measuring phase. As they re the most important one. 

In a nutshell, it can be said that management task are very important in life. They A manager needs to perform different tasks ones life. The most important one includes planning and monitoring. In planning phase n organization sets its long term goals and plan them. In measuring phase they check their performance if they are working in the right direction.


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