According to Fraidoon mazda There are two important decision making techniques in the market. As one has to make decisions in daily life. Management has become an integral pat of every day life. So to become a good manager it has become very important to make certain and quick decisions. One can use certain decisions according to the two important decisions. One can learn about management here.


In The Vroom Yetton Model different management styles are used by by managers. Moreover there are seven management questions which are asked before taking decision. These questions are the simplest one and one can anticipate them in there mind as a layman. However the crafters of this model have given these specific questions so one has to follow these models in long run. These questions include Is there any quality solution? Does manger has quality information before making decision? Does manger know what information is missing and what does he need to find? Is commitment to the decision by others important for others? Shall others accept the solution if they are not involved in the decision? Do all the affected people share the same goal? Will there be a conflict between the affected people regarding alternative solutions? After asking these questions a manger actually adopts a specific style for management.SO it can be said that a manager should know these specific questions before making any decision. A manager can adopt  specific style which are present here. In AI (Autocratic) style a manger actually takes decision by his own. So he is judging a team from far behind. He just believes in his own decisions. Moreover, he does not pay any attention to the people. In AII (Autocratic type 2) a manager first collects information from others and then takes the decision. Now the point lies in that these information processes are very important for any decisions. It is a good style so that a manager can take an accurate decision. In CI (Consultative) a manager discusses the problem with others and take input from others. Most of the good managers use this kind of style so that others can also participate in the decision. In CII (Consultative type 2) a manger discusses the problem with group of people and take their input. So here a group of people is present and it can include all those people who are expert in a specific field. In GII (Group based type 2) a manger first discusses the problem with group of people and let them decide. So a manager is providing a free hand to people so that they can actively make a decision. In this type people can grow to the top for decision making process. The other important method includes The Kepner Tregoe Method. It gives a series of questions when analyzing the problem. A manager can take specific steps before making a decision. Specify the problem in terms of what it is and what it is not? Identify the problem in terms of  what it is and what it is not? What are the important causes for it? Then check what has happened instead of what ought to be happened. These series of steps will help you find better solution.

In a nut shell, it can be said that people need to make certain decisions in their lives. For that purpose they need to know  specific styles. The two important methods are present here.


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