World is moving towards information and technology. Similar thing is true in the scenario of project management. Now it is very important to use information and technology in research and development related projects. In fact it can be said that it every where from Project Screening and selection to Classification of resources in project management. These technologies have become an integral part of every day life. They are present every where and without them it becomes very difficult to work. In the field if IT the pacing technologies are very important as they are growing in a very rapid speed.

According to Shtub Bard There are three main classes of technologies which can be used in such kind of projects. They include Base Technologies, Key Technologies and Pacing Technologies. The Base Technologies are firm and firms have to master them to be an effective competitor in the market. As people have some kind of exclusive qualities and other people know them from these qualities. Then these base technologies are the exclusive qualities of the companies. and people know these companies because of these qualities. In very simple words, different companies establish because of these qualities. The example of it lies in electronic ignition systems for an automobiles. The Key Technologies permit the producer to embed different features or functions in the product or to attain greater efficiencies in the production process. These qualities are present on top of other qualities. In other words they are the extra features on top of base qualities. The example of it lies in food packaging technology that enables the producer to use microwave cooking. The Pacing Technologies can become tomorrow's key technologies. This is the most important part of technology. A lot of people invest in these technologies. as they can become a game changer in the market. The example of it lies in artificial intelligence. As this technology is present in every day life. However, scientists were working on it a long time ago. So different companies might have invested in this technology as a pacing technology. Now they may be earning a lot.

In a nutshell, there are three main kinds of technologies which can be used in research and development related projects. They include base, key and pacing technologies. The most important one lies in pacing technologies. In other words intelligent people invest in these technologies to get benefit in future.


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