One can not ignore information technology in life. For this purpose one needs to have some kind of machine in life. Now the point lies in how does a machine run? One can not live without having a technology's panorama in real world. The answer lies in that a machines runs using an operating system. A lot operating system are present in the market for different purposes. One can find about the operating systems here. The examples of it lies in windows, Unix, Linux , android and many more. According to Brain K Williams the main tasks of an operating system lies in Booting, CPU Management, File Management, Task Management and Security Management.

While explaining, it can be said that operating system actually performs certain kind of tasks in a machine. The most important one lies in Booting. It means that it loads the system into main memory. It means that the operating system is present in a secondary storage and it loads it to main memory. There are two major kinds of booting here. The Cold Booting means that one needs to start the computer by hand. Whereas software booting is called as Warm Booting. CPU is a major part of a computer and memory is present in here. So CPU Management includes a kernel which manages the memory. File is an integral part of the computer. It is nothing but a collection of program that exists in a computer's secondary storage. Operating system deletes the files from the drive if one deletes it from computer. There re different directories and sub directories present in a computer. The main directory is root directory. Normally C is called the root directory. Whereas My Documents, My Music and other such files are the part of subdirectories. One can find such kind of structure in other drives too. Task manager is an important function of operating system. It is very important to tell that a computer is a multitasking machine. The example of it lies in that one can play music while making a report in the computer. A computer can perform similar kind of other tasks too in it. The most important part of management lies in Security. Now one can see thee example of it in computer screen security. As one has to enter a password while entering in the computer.

In a nutshell, it can be said that an operating system performs different types of tasks in a computer. The most important ones includes security, task, file, CPU and boot management. One can see a lot of examples of management in a computer.


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