One has to manage a lot of things in life. For that purpose some leadership skills should should be there in a person. As these leadership helps a person a cope with daily challenges of life. According to Mazda there some three major leadership theories in the market. One can not live without having a technology's panorama in real world. They include leadership trait theory, situational leadership theory and some dimensional theories. As one has to choose these theories in life to get success for long run. One c an learn about the models of project management here.

While explaining, Leadership theory states that people have leadership qualities with their birth. Moreover, they do not believe in hard work to get such kind of leadership theories. They are actually negating the existentialists. Who believe in hard work and want to make their own world. The old system of hereditary politics was the best example in this regard. However, there are a lot examples present in the market who worked hard and got these qualities and the the best example of it lies in Abraham Lincoln. In Situational theory leaders got power according to the situation. There are many circumstances in the world in which one has to choose some kind of people who are fit according to the situation. The best example of it lies in Hitler was chosen by Germany after first world war. The reason was that he was the fittest match for that situation. He also had some kind of  self confidence which made him leader. The other theories included One, Two and Three Dimensional. In One dimensional theory a leader chooses to be either an autocratic or democratic style. In autocratic style he does not think him to be a part of team and leads the team from his chair. On the other hand in democratic style he becomes a part of the team and works with them. Two Dimensional theory had five different aspects. In 1,1 style a leader does not give attention to people and production. He is nothing but a time server. In 9,1 style a leader does everything to improve the efficiency of the organization. In 5,1 style  leader shows concern for organization and for the people. In 9,1 style a leader shows the highest concern for both people and for production. Whereas in 1,9 style  leader shows more interest in the well being of people and not about the task being done.

In a nutshell it can be said that management has many different styles and one has to choose from these styles in ones life. As they help one to do things better in life.


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