Project management has become an important part of every day life. Specially, private sector take things in small projects. Currently, government sector is also moving in this direction. So it has become very important to have a look at basic definitions of project management.

According to Shtub Bard a Project is an organized endeavor aimed at accomplishing a specific  non routine or low volume task. One can check Different models of Project management in this regard. One can take the example of a bridge building task. Different construction companies can take this task as a project. Work Break Down Structure is a document that divides the project into major hardware, software, data and service elements. So building  a bridge can be divided into a work break down structure. A Project Lifecycle is a transitory effort designed to achieve a specific set of goals. It is convenient to identify the phases that accompany the transformation of an idea or a concept into a product or a system. The collection of such phases is defined as the project lifecycle. One can take the example of a bridge building. A company can set different phases to achieve a full task. The Lifecycle Cost is ownership of a product, structure or system over its useful life is its life cycle cost. Project Screening is usually the first step. Here the proposed project is analyzed in a preliminary manner in light of the most prominent criteria or prevailing conditions. Project screening and selection is phase in the start of the project in which they consider such kind of criteria. As an example a telecom company might have set such kind of criteria to take specific types of projects. As it can build  functional specialization of the company. Resource Planning is process by which the project manger decides which resources to obtain from which source , when to obtain them, how to use them and how to release them. In this whole scenario it is very important to have a look at Classification of resources.

In a nutshell, a project has to pass through different stages to get to its final stage. For this purpose different terms are there which can be used in this journey. It is very important to tell that one can not learn things without having these concepts. In other words one can build further concepts on top of the given fact.


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